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LehmanBrown 雷博 is organised into the following service lines:

Coffee and Magazines


Labour Legal Advisory
Labour laws are complex and personal to employees. Management of labour, where quality labour is a precious resource, can be a difficult balance between competing wants of employees and the employer.

Disputes over work place practices, potential discrimination, unfair actions, internal conflicts, mistreatment and many other areas can be a timely and costly avenue that a company may get lost down. Having a seasoned employment expert assisting you can not only mean the difference between efficiency and wastefulness but also between a motivated and unmotivated set of employees.

Corporate Legal Advisory
We at LehmanBrown 雷博, always aim to fully understand our clients’ perspective. We understand our clients’ needs and various legal services that may be required under different circumstances. We can provide full legal advice to facilitate your needs quickly and efficiently.

We are committed to resolving our clients’ problems and provide timely advice that fits into your schedule. The time and efforts we can save you will undoubtedly improve your business.

Other Legal Services
In addition to the aforementioned services in the labour and corporate legal advisory, LehmanBrown can offer a wide range of different legal services including dispute resolution activities, intellectual property services, debt collections and litigation support.

Moreover, if there is not a service we can offer to the highest standards possible, which we are happy to connect you with other professionals.

As we have the experience, expertise and connections, LehmanBrown is able to meet all of your legal needs. We can provide bespoke assistance in all types of legal situations.



Financial Management

LehmanBrown 雷博 can assist companies in managing their financial issues. This can include our finance manager function, for planning, organising or directly controlling financial activities, or interim financial management services including interim accounting and admin support for periods where such interim management might be required. We offer a comprehensive Chief Financial Officer (CFO) function.

Treasury Management

Corporate treasury management can be complex, LehmanBrown is able to assist companies in establishing and maintaining efficient strategies to make your business run smoother.

Our treasury management services include bank account set-up, payment facilitation, loan account setup, capital account setup, internet banking, foreign currency bank account setup and anything else that you require.

Payroll Services

Due to constantly evolving labour laws around the world, demand for professional in-country payroll services is increasing. LehmanBrown 雷博 can offer professional, quick, and highly reliable accounting practices to relieve the stress of managing payroll and allowing you to focus growing the core areas of your business. We provide a wide array of payroll services such as payroll processing setup, and are well equipped to deliver specific services relating to local and expatriate employees.

Accounting & Bookkeeping

New rules and laws are made every day. Accounting is an area where this is particularly true. Outsourcing your accounting and bookkeeping operations to LehmanBrown 雷博 will give you access to our professional and long standing accounting team who will deliver bespoke solutions in a manner which is fast, accurate, clear and concise. Our budgeting and forecasting team can ensure that business targets are met, and when it comes to financial statement preparation we can guarantee efficiency and quality.

Men in a Meeting



We can help you to incorporate your business in the locations where we operate. Additionally, we can assist you in many cases with obtaining a local business licence if required, or an alternative solution if the market is restricted in some way.


Many jurisdictions require companies to file annual returns, renew licences, obtain audits and many other things. We can do these tasks for you using our team of professional. You can benefit from this arrangement by having lower staffing costs and the attention of a dedicated professional.

HR Services

Every country has its own laws, rules and regulations with regards to employment and labour. Navigating these laws can be a minefield for businesses, with seemingly innocent errors leading to litigation and financial penalties. We can help you avoid problems by managing your HR services for you, using our qualified team of professionals.

New York Skyline


Individual Tax Planning
Individual income tax is a form of tax that needs to be paid by employees. This is often done through the employer who should withhold the correct amount of tax before payment of the salary, to make it easier for staff. People working for foreign employers may be able to benefit from double tax agreements and special rules where they work.

LehmanBrown 雷博 has long standing practical knowledge of tax servicing for individuals employed in foreign and domestic enterprises. With our intricate knowledge of various tax systems even in we are the best experts to help with your planning on all spectrums. We can help you achieve the most efficient way to structure your tax payments and we offer this service to anyone, whether you are a self-employed director of a new enterprise or an employee at a foreign multinational.

Company Taxation
Tax planning is vital when doing business anywhere. LehmanBrown 雷博 offers extensive tax planning and encourages your business to become more be commercially competative and balanced to yield tax efficiencies and mitigate the risk of challenge to you by the tax authorities.

At LehmanBrown 雷博  we offer many taxation services including developing tax optimisation structures, tax restructuring for mergers and acquisitions, and negotiating with tax authorities for a suitable preparation and submission of tax returns. We have a lot of experience working with transfer pricing policies in line with both corporate international strategy and in compliance with Chinese tax regulations in order to limit overall tax exposure for multinational companies.

From LehmanBrown 雷博's network of subsidiaries and affiliates, we are able to assist companies to effectively structure off-shore tax planning and company establishment.

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